or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Reference Question of the Week – 2/1/09

   February 7th, 2009 Brian Herzog

pen speed testI consider myself a creative person, but I could never had made this up.

A patron comes to the desk and asks to borrow a pen. She takes one from our little cup and goes back to her table. A few minutes later, she's back at the reference desk:

Patron: Do you have a faster pen?
Me: [utterly speechless stunned silence]
Patron: I need to take a lot of fast notes, and that first pen wasn't writing fast enough.
Me: Oh... well... I don't know. You can try the rest in the cup, if you like.

She did, and left the paper and rejected pens sitting like the picture shows. I did the same thing, but all of the pens seemed to more or less meet my speed requirement. I must just have lower standards.

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