or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Superstar Librarian, vol. 2

   March 6th, 2007

I didn't partake in the "5 things you didn't know about me" trend going around a little while ago, because I figured no one would care. But here are two little bits of Brian history people might find interesting:

Before I had groupies for my librarian skills, I had both film and television careers.

My movie debut was in the 2003 film, Sidesitters. When you watch the movie, look for me in the background of the climactic restaurant scene.

update: My movie debut was in the 2003 film, Sidesitters. When you watch the movie (now only available on YouTube, in three parts: part I, part II, part III), look for me in the background of the climactic restaurant scene. (thanks, Chris) /update

But long before I graced the big screen, I also dazzled on the small screen. In 1996, I appeared in a commercial for Pierre's Quickprint, headquartered in my hometown:

I mean come on, how cool can one librarian be?brian herzog, pierre's quickprint, sidesitters

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2 Responses to “Superstar Librarian, vol. 2”

  1. Lichen Says:

    WHOA! Lookit that red hair! I can’t believe that video is on youTube. God, I love the internet.

  2. herzogbr Says:

    What can I say? I am a rocker. I rock out.