Reference Question of the Week – 5/13
May 19th, 2007A woman with a bad haircut walks up to the desk and asks...
(bad haircut? Yes, bad haircut. Even worse than mine.)
"Can you find the phone number of whoever issues licenses to hair stylists?"
Since two of us were working the desk at the time, and there was nothing else going on, both of us started looking. It didn't take much time to find the answer, but I thought it was interesting that we took two different routes to get there.
My Coworker's Approach
Started with Google (which is on our desk computers' start page) by searching for "cosmetology association massachusetts." The first result was for National Cosmetology Association: Recommended Links, and under their State Cosmetology Regulatory Agencies section was a link to the Massachusetts Board of Registered Cosmetologists.
That link lead into the website (MA's official government website), which, after a couple more clicks, offered a telephone number.
My Approach
Figuring this must be a state agency, I went directly to, even though their site search is generally less than ideal. I search for "cosmetology license," and the first result was a list of Frequently Asked Questions about Board of Registration of Cosmetologists. One of the last questions was How would I contact a cosmetology association in Massachusetts?, which provided a phone number in the answer.
Also at the bottom of the page was a Contact Us link for the Office of Consumer Affairs, of which the Division of Professional Licensure is a part, and which in turn has its own Contact Information page. This is the same page my coworker ultimately found, which strangely lists four categories for Cosmetologists and Aestheticians, but all of them have the same phone number.
The Result
The patron had wandered off right after asking the question, so we wrote all the websites and phone numbers down. I found her a few minutes later, herself searching the internet, and she was happy with the information we found.
But this was one of those cases where just finding what the patron wanted didn't feel like enough. There was definitely a story here, between the way her hair looked and the question she asked. As a librarian, I am trained not to pry or ask why a patron needs certain information, but I came close here to offering to call these numbers, just so I could learn if she was trying to complain about a salon she just came from, or wanted to open her own salon, or what. There had to be something interesting there; I still think a television show set in a library would be endlessly entertaining.
May 21st, 2007 at 3:36 pm
“There had to be something interesting there; I still think a television show set in a library would be endlessly entertaining.”
I’m waiting patiently for Bravo to dream up “Top Librarian”!
May 21st, 2007 at 4:54 pm
I had read awhile ago that the Australian Broadcasting Company is making a librarian television show, but I haven’t heard anything since. Since so much of American television is imported from overseas (Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, The Office, The Weakest Link, Who’s Line is It, Anyway?, and countless others) anyway, perhaps some network will remake this one, too.
June 4th, 2007 at 6:48 pm
[…] Herzogbr takes the resource-oriented, kopflästige approach I so favor. Love those librarians! Caleb at HTFAF made me laugh, and even supplied music. Grant McCracken waxes anthropological. Beth describes a hideous cut in 2003. Her current picture looks something like my hair did in October. So I have hope in, say, 2011. KnitDad’s describes another patron’s combover. […]