or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

NELA2007 – Monday Recap

   October 15th, 2007

NELA Conference tableToday was a fun day. The wireless was spotty all day (luckily, my awesome hotel, the Publick House, has better wireless connectivity), but the sessions were good.

Here's what I went to:

I'm sorry for any spelling or other mistakes you find in the posts - I've never live blogged before, and it's hard. Especially when you only type with four fingers.

Also check out some conference photographs. I'll upload some pictures of my room tomorrow, too - it really must be the best place in town to stay.

Okay, now I'm off to meet librarians for dinner, and then we're going to see the showing of The Hollywood Librarian. More tomorrow.

conference, libraries, library, nela, nela2007, public libraries, public library, publick house

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