Judging Book Covers
September 23rd, 2010With the demise of Bloglines, I've been going through all the posts I had bookmarked and pulling out the ones I wanted to mention in a post - this is one of those posts.
Something I really like about feed aggregators is that, by reading feeds from a wide variety of sources, it is possible to spot coincidental trends (which I like doing). For instance, a couple weeks ago I noticed a few of posts all about book covers:
- Boing Boing featured an interesting infographic showing the trends in cover art of fantasy novels (a trend within a trend)
- The Huffington Post is always good for a meme - this time they reviewed both great covers designs of books about design and 11 bad memoir book covers
- A Fuse #8 Production, a School Library Journal blog, reviews some of the best childrens book covers of 2010 by some of the best cover illustrators
- Fail Blog always has humorous book covers (see the Amazon listing for the book pictured above)
Of course, this isn't a new trend - Awful Library Books has been around awhile, and I've talked about book covers, too.
And speaking of book covers, remember to play with LibraryThing's CoverGuess, to help build a database that can answer questions like, "well, I don't remember the title, but it was a red book, and had like this guy on a street with maybe like a purple penguin?"
Update: I forgot to include my two biggest book cover pet peeves:
- Covers where the author's name is bigger than the title
- Cook books where the chef (usually a celebrity) is more prominently-featured than the food
Those to things always make me suspicious.
September 23rd, 2010 at 12:38 pm
Ah, but your RSS feeds missed 3/4ths of the Fantasy Cover Art charts. All are from Orbit books. The Orbit blog goes into more depth and analysis (some of which is hilarious), and there are comments by some rather witty Orbit readers.
Chart Number 1, which Boing Boing found, is on general trends:
Chart Number 2 is on Urban Fantasy heroines and the trends in their cover appearances:
Chart Number 3 is on Dragons, and which colors got cover appearances this year (my favorites, the blue dragons, were mostly ignored, but not as badly as white dragons).
Chart Number 4 is similar to a tag cloud, showing which words were used in titles this past year. It was a dark time…
According to Orbit, an intern got this assignment, and appears to have done some solid research!