NELA2010: Trends in Tech Services
October 18th, 2010I'm at the NELA 2010 annual conference Monday and Tuesday this week, albeit without wifi or open power outlets in the rooms. As a result, my postings will be few and far between, but this session was a good one:
Trends, Trends, Trends: Innovations in Technical Services, Collections and More
What is going on that is leading us to change the way we work “behind the scenes” in our libraries? The Academic Librarians Section (ALS) and the Association of College and Research Libraries/New England chapter (ACRL/NEC) sponsor Consultants Margaret Lourie and Stephen Spohn to examine issues and trends in technical services, cataloging, and the acquisition and maintenance of physical and virtual collections, e-resources and e-books. Explore the larger issues at work that bring new opportunities to provide more resources to users, make it easier for them to find information they need and do all this more effectively and efficiently.
The Past Environment
- Libraries are warehouses of information (books/serials)
- Monopoly on search - they have to come to us and do it our way
- Information in discrete packaging - silos do not overlap
- Low user expectation - they get what they needed, maybe, and go away
- Big building, print collection owned, repository of physical artifacts, you have to come to us
- Catalog is inventory of what you own (later also what we have access to, or lease)
- All cataloging and reference work done in-house (sense that it was our duty to catalog the internet)
- Plenty of staff to do the work
- Sense of "we know what the patrons need" - relates to what was selected, how it was cataloged, where it was shelved
Work flow was like assembly line
- must follow the rules in all aspects (TS, reference, circ, etc)
- patron needs take backseat to process (fear of "doing it wrong" prevents "just doing it right" [according to patron's point of view])
We don't need to throw everything out, but we do need to question the rules to see what is holding us back.
Today's world
- Information and tools are created on the fly by millions of people and is available instantly (gone is the idea of librarians cataloging the internet)
- Mix of owned and leased, digital and physical, common and unique, print-on-demand (feeds into instant-info idea - don't need things on the shelf, just print when people want it), ebooks - libraries are going to own less and less of their materials (this is being driven by vendors and shifting business models) - focus must shift to community space
- Others do search better than us, our job is to help filter, not find (search results are not good enough) - we try to compete, but we're losing
- High user expectation - patrons want simple, complex choices24x7, personalized, all electronic, and easy
- Disaggregation of discrete information packages - full-text articles available, aggregated databases and journal sources becoming less important (can buy individual articles, not just entire journal or entire database)
- Buying books is easier for patrons, because they don't need to keep track of due dates and have library staff make them feel like bad people over $0.25 late fees (use Netflix model - patrons pay a few dollars a month and can keep things as long as they want)
- Catalog should be directory of what you have access to (not inventory of owned materials)
Environmental factors
- People are mobile and want to be social
- Different devices have different capabilities and requirements
- New role for libraries: foster learning and knowledge, collaboration with community and community service
- We must constantly respond to changes and trends in technology
- Bad economy means
- we need to justify all spending (inherent value is no longer a given - we always try to shield patrons from budget cuts, so how do they know we're in trouble if they never see the blood?)
- less money for resources
- we have fewer staff with more work, so we need to maximize staff resources
- we need to be more efficient
- eliminate unnecessary tasks (ask yourself, "do anyone care about what I'm doing" for ever task you do)
- accept "good enough" cataloging (only what patrons need to find information, not exhaustively complete records (for example, patrons/parents want books in a series, and MARC does not do series well - then we should bend the rules so we can provide this service)
- move work out of the library
- automate (self-check)
- accept that we may have to DO LESS
How does all this affect TS
- Avalanche of new content to deal with - not just owned print anymore, streaming, unique
- Focus needs to be on user needs
- multiple metadata schemes
- Collaborating and contribution
What to call patrons?
- users, patrons, clients, customers, members?
- ask them, see what they say - it's all about the relationship
How would we organize libraries from scratch starting today?
- we collect things - collection development, preservation, resource sharing
- allow patrons to discover them - metadata (it's not just about us anymore) and discovery, reference and advisory, patron experience, borrowing
- publish things - user-contributed content, local publications, digital repositories
- transform - instruct patrons on how to move forward, recombining information
Look at what "summon" search can do (from Serial Solutions)- MARVEL does it. Its "preharvested" search results from designated sources - catalog, databases - better than federated search because it's fast and single search box ("Unified" search).
October 19th, 2010 at 1:55 pm
[…] Swiss Army Librarian » NELA2010: Trends in Tech Services :: Brian Herzog – view page – cached Swiss Army Librarian is a blog by Brian Herzog mostly about library and technology issues relating to public libraries Tweets about this link […]
October 19th, 2010 at 3:05 pm
I wonder about these new “build a bigger silo” products like Summon. If, as I think you correctly suggest, the information universe is expanding and sources of useful content are proliferating…well, how does reliance on what’s more or less a black-box like Summon represent a rational response to those trends?
October 19th, 2010 at 6:22 pm
@Wally: I don’t know. I had never heard of Summon before attending this session, and was just trying to take notes as fast as possible. I’ll have to play with it more, but I think the presenter’s point was that patrons want a single, easy search, like Google. Federated search wasn’t good enough, because it was too slow and the search results still took wading-through to figure out. The few searches I did run on MARVEL intermingled book and article results very quickly, like patrons expect from web searches, and I think the presenters were saying that this sort of experience is moving in the right direction.
I’m curious about the “preharvested” aspect of it, as that makes it seem, to me, artificial, but again, I’m new to this product. People use Google because it works well – I could see providing almost a Google Custom Search Engine, initially limited to only the library catalog, subscription databases, and selected websites, a useful approach. But you’re right, that only covers a segment of the information world, and may not scale up in real-time.
The challenge is in creating a tool that encompasses all media sources, but filters out the chaff. Like you said, manually limiting the search to preselected resources (I like your “bigger silo” phrase) seems to only address a portion of that.