or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Reference Question of the Week – 2/20/11

   February 26th, 2011

Jerry SpringerTen minutes to eleven one morning, a patrons comes to the desk in a little bit of a panic. He asks,

Can you look up to see what's on Jerry Springer today? It starts at eleven.

On our entertainment subject guide page, we have a link to the Boston Globe's television listings. I scrolled to find Jerry Springer and read the show description to him:

Jerry Springer
Episode: I'm Leaving My Wife for a Tranny (NEW)

A man wants to leave his wife for a transsexual; a woman reveals a secret; a man worries his one-night stand could end his marriage.

When I finished, the patron said, "whew, nothing that I'm interested in" and went back to his computer.

But wait, there's more!

About 11:45 the phone rang, and it was this patron - I didn't see him leave, but apparently he went home to watch the show anyway. He was calling to ask what Jerry Springer's phone number was to get tickets, because they said it too fast on the show and he couldn't write it down.

In the course of looking for that, I found a listing of other Jerry Springer phone numbers - one for each of the show's areas of specialty. Now that was enlightening.

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4 Responses to “Reference Question of the Week – 2/20/11”

  1. Anne Says:

    Amazing what we learn while helping our patrons!

    “Are you, or do you know an adult baby?”


  2. Andromeda Says:

    I look forward to this series every week. Never disappoints.

  3. Lois Says:

    What’s wrong with me? I so love reading your Reference Questions and I am just now catching this one.

    I would be the one who had to explain the term “tranny.”

  4. Swiss Army Librarian » Reference Question of the Week – 10/14/12 :: Brian Herzog Says:

    […] have a patron who frequently calls to find out which episodes of his shows are going to be on that day. He usually ends up […]