Courting Disasters
April 5th, 2011During a recent weeding, I found these two books in our collection:
At first I thought it was different editions of the same book, but then realized they were different books - different authors, publishers, and copyright dates, but same title, same photo, and very similar design. Huh.
I know that cover design is usually beyond the realm of the author, and it's unfortunate that it is always the author that comes out looking bad when something like this happens.
However, take into consideration that Courting Disaster is actually not an uncommom book title, as the phrase works on so many levels.
November 24th, 2011 at 7:52 am
Ha ha. It’s really unexpected to see such books with same title and front cover but not the same author. I wonder what will be the reaction of the author if he figure it out himself.
December 1st, 2011 at 7:43 am
@Heather: I don’t think most authors have much control over the cover art, unfortunately – and the reuse of images happens to the best of them
September 18th, 2012 at 1:45 am
the backstab, and this led to his undoing (which, to this day, he states, never happened