or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Swallow Safely Book Promotion

   June 16th, 2011

I feel bad that this post might not be library blog award quality, but it's been an extremely busy week - so please consider this a light interlude, and I'll get back to more practical posts next week.

The image below is a postcard promoting a book, sent to my director this week. I'd like to submit it here without comment, other than to link to the ForeWord review (cited on the postcard) which was itself an interesting read.

Swallow Safely promotional postcard

(click to biggify)

Okay, I have to make one comment: I never would have guessed there would exist a 180 page book about swallowing. Working in libraries is awesome, except it makes me sad that this book has to exist.

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One Response to “Swallow Safely Book Promotion”

  1. Julie Says:

    This is an actual problem that I never knew about until it happened to my father. Apparently, the esophagus, a muscle, loses quite a bit of strength or elasticity as we age and makes it more difficult to swallow. Quite scary as my dad had this problem while driving and almost caused him to pass out!