or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Reference Question of the Week – 3/18/12

   March 24th, 2012

Milk bottleA patron called the desk this past Thursday:

Patron: What's today's date?
Me: March 22nd.
Patron: Okay good, the milk doesn't expire until the 24th. Thanks.

End of Reference Transaction.





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7 Responses to “Reference Question of the Week – 3/18/12”

  1. Stephen Francoeur Says:

    OK, that’s my new favorite.

  2. Mike Shell Says:

    Wish they were ALL this easy and helpful.


  3. Krista Says:

    That is awesome!

  4. Jamie Says:

    Another fine example for the longevity of libraries!

  5. Mara Says:

    A nice change from “Where are the tax forms?” and “How do I download ebooks?”

  6. Kaylin Says:

    That’s what happens when the phone company takes away the ‘time lady’ – now it’s the librarian’s job.

  7. Matthew Says:

    Eggs would have been more tricky! Bravo.