or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Why Support Your Local Library Infographic

   August 22nd, 2012

One of the creators of the infographic below sent it to me saying,

I worked closely with the ALA and IMLS to create this infographic about "Why support your local library?" We are using this to drum up support for volunteers, donations and legislative actions.

I like that it addresses the counter-intuitive notion that during a bad economy, library budgets need to be expanded because we get so much busier. It's a hard sell, even with the statistics to back it up.

Update 9/12/12: a data error was found in the original infographic, and this version has been updated.

Support Your Local Library infographic

Thanks Dan.

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3 Responses to “Why Support Your Local Library Infographic”

  1. Paula Says:

    Wow! The comparison with sporting events is incredible. Good data.

  2. Claritza Says:

    Why is there only one woman (a volunteer) depicted?

  3. Brian Herzog Says:

    @Claritza: I don’t know – the technology person could be a woman (well, same body as above, but different head). What rubbed me the wrong way was the patron library card for “Mr. Derp.” Come on.