Cloud of Survey Comments from Library Patrons
September 26th, 2012A few months ago, my library conducted a survey of our patrons. We wanted it to be short+useful, so we called it the "60 Second Survey" and limited it to five questions, on things like which services people liked/used, best way to contact them about programs and events, etc.
Of course, the last question was the open-ended "Tell us what you think" question. 255 people provided comments, which made for very interesting reading.
Last week while a coworker was talking about the Wordle cover letter cloud, we got the idea to do a cloud based on the survey comments. Here it is (larger version to see smaller words):
We had read the comments so we knew it was generally positive, but the visual impact of seeing things like this made us feel pretty good. A cloud is so much more concise than 255 individual comments, and we were very happy to see things like "friendly" and "helpful" rise to the top since those are areas we strive to emphasize.
Anyway, I don't mean this as a "We're #1" gloaty post - I just wanted to share because it was so positive. And, it's also a great visual, so we're going to include it in the Town Annual Report, as well as create a poster to display in the library, post on Facebook, etc. A t-shirt might be going too far, but we'll see. I like t-shirts.
I know I'm late to the Wordle game, but now I can't help trying to come up with other things to convert to clouds.
November 2nd, 2012 at 2:04 pm
Maybe a wordle for reference questions? I’m going to try that …
November 2nd, 2012 at 2:31 pm
in fact, it was pretty cool when I made a wordle of our recent reference transactions (July 1 to Oct. 31): Thanks for the idea!