or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Librarian-Related Gift Ideas

   December 12th, 2012

This time of year always brings out the "best gifts for" and "best of the year" type lists. Instead of adding my own lists to the pile, I wanted to highlight two slightly different takes on library-related gift ideas:

First, a great blog post by the Nocturnal Librarian - instead of trying to find the one right book for someone, she came up with a much better idea:

My idea of the perfect gift book is not going to be yours, and might work for your sister but not for your grandfather, your niece, or your teen. So I suggest the gift of professional reading advice.

Read the full post.

And secondly, Stephen Colbert has the best possible advice I wish everyone would gift to the librarian in their life:

Stephen Colbert's message

Via LISNews, that is the gift that can make any day Christmas Day.

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One Response to “Librarian-Related Gift Ideas”

  1. Deb Baker Says:

    Thanks for the shout out, Brian. And may students everywhere heed Stephen’s advice.