or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Reference Question of the Week – 6/23/13

   June 29th, 2013

darthvaderaskWhile alone at the desk one evening this week, things got very busy - patrons lining up, the printer jamming, and every time I went into the stacks I could hear the phone ringing. I knew I missed quite a few phone calls, so I was glad to answer it in a brief break between in-person patrons - until I heard the question:

Can you find me Luke Skywalker's family tree? And Han Solo too? Because they're related.

Talk about feeling exasperated. This immediately felt like one of those "photograph of Jesus" kind of questions, and because things were so busy I almost told him I'd need to just take his phone number and I'd look for it when I had time.

However, I had an internet search tab open, so I just typed "luke skywalker genealogy" in and holy smokes one of the first image results was exactly it:

Skywalker family tree
click to view larger

About a half hour later the patron came in to get it printed out. I formatted it to print on legal size paper, and he was happy because now he could hang it up on his wall like a poster.

While he was here, we also looked at a family tree with pictures too:

Skywalker family tree with pictures
click to view larger

But he didn't like it because he preferred a picture of Darth Vader to young Anakin. Sorry, Hayden Christensen.

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3 Responses to “Reference Question of the Week – 6/23/13”

  1. ash966 Says:

    As a nerd, I would have let the patron know that Mara Jade is part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe, which not everyone (particularly George Lucas) considers canon*:


    Just in case the new SW movies Disney makes decide to go in a different direction.

    *I’m not an uber-fan of Star Wars, so I don’t have a dog in this hunt. I just know that canon can launch a thousand flame wars.

  2. Doug Cooper (Boxford Library) Says:

    Wow! We learn something every day. I like the star wars movies but I’m not a big follower. I have friends who are though.

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