or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Attractive Reading and Library Tidbits

   July 10th, 2013

Just a couple of unrelated interestingnesses this morning.

The first is a neat image my friend Chris forwarded me from something called Facebook:

Reading a book from the inside

I don't know anything about this image, other than I like it. And it would be a good image for a caption contest.

Secondly, last week on BoingBoing Cory highlighted some Dewey Decimal System jewelry, made from old catalog cards:

Dewey jewelry

There's lots of it available on Etsy. I think it'd be fun to match the Dewey subject to the function of the piece - like, a ring magnifying 395.22.

Yay for creative people.

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4 Responses to “Attractive Reading and Library Tidbits”

  1. Wade Says:

    Appears to be from this DeviantArt user/artist. He has many other ‘book’ images (specifically in the context of the Christian bible):

  2. Jenny Says:

    Brian, I think I’ve found your artist! For once, someone on Pinterest included attributions, and the image is there: http://pinterest.com/picturebooklove/book-art-surreal/ Initially it reminded me of a series of postcards I have, which it turns out are done by this artist: http://www.soizimage.com/index.html
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Brian Herzog Says:

    @Wade and @Jenny: it looks like you’re both right (at least, both seem to attribute the image to the same person). Thanks for doing the legwork! And some of the others on the pinboard are pretty neat, too.

  4. Jenne Says:

    Love the Dewey jewelry! But it seems like most of them are just random numbers, which is weird. Like, would you want a pair of cufflinks with 614.4 on them? Maybe if you were an epidemiologist…