or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Good Example of a Library Blog

   August 14th, 2013

Robbins Library blog postI get behind on Twitter very easily, so it was only recently when I was going back reading old tweets that I saw Jenny Arch retweet of the Robbins (Arlington, MA) Library's blog post about Under-the-radar library resources.

I thought that was a great idea for a blog post at my library too, so I am going to shamelessly steal the idea soon.

But then I started reading more of the posts on the Robbins Library blog, and realized just how great a job they do with it. It actually made me feel a little bad about how lax I've become with the Chelmsford Library blog - so I'm going to turn that guilt into inspiration to do a better job.

My goal for our library blog is one post a week, with the topic being something of slightly lasting content. We use Facebook and Twitter for more immediate or interactive content, whereas the blog posts are things that people might find months or years from now and still find useful. Also, blog posts tend to be longer, explaining how to use a database or the rationale behind a new policy. I like these guidelines - I'm just going to make a point of being better at it.

Good job, Robbins Library!

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4 Responses to “Good Example of a Library Blog”

  1. Elizabeth Chase Says:

    Thanks for sharing a great idea. I think I’ll “borrow” it for our blog, too.

    While I’m here, I’ll add that some of us on the Social Media Team at Frisco Public Library follow your blog with interest and often find inspiration here as well.

    I particuarly enjoyed the indoor Google tour you posted recently. Chelmsford has a beautiful library!

  2. Brian Herzog Says:

    @Elizabeth: Thank you – that is very nice to hear, and I’m always happy to share. That’s actually something I love about libraries: cooperation instead of competition – it seems so much more productive.

  3. Doug Cooper (Boxford) Says:

    Great work on the blog. A blog is something that I might pitch to our new permanent director next month.
    I’ve also been wondering if it would augment something like a monthly or quarterly newsletter.

  4. Erin (Omaha Public Library) Says:

    Slowly but surely, the marketing team has been expanding what we cover on Omaha Public Library’s blog. For the longest time it was geared solely towards sharing inspiring patron stories. In recent months, however, we’ve expanded the breadth of our content. For example, over summer, our Marketing Manager documented in a series her visits to events during Summer Reading Program. Recently I’ve developed a food series called “Literary Bites,” where I try different recipes from cookbooks available through the Library. I really like the idea of under-the-radar Library resources.