Seven Years of Swiss Army Librarian + Contest
October 2nd, 2013A few weeks ago, David Lee King marked his 10 year blogging anniversary - congratulations, David!
That got me thinking, and when I looked back, it turned out my very first post was October 1st, 2006 - seven years to the day yesterday*. My early posts ranged widely, but pretty soon settled into the all-library focus I'm still writing about now (coincidentally, this is also my 1,000th post!).
To mark the occasion, I thought it'd be fun to have a contest. The most popular feature of this blog is the Reference Question of the Week (be sure to read the first one, from October 12th, 2006), so here's what I thought might be fun:
- Using the contact form, send in your best reference question. Everyone who works in a library has great stories, so let's hear yours!
- "Best" is up to you - funniest, most challenging, required using a creative resource to answer, whatever. You can submit more than one story, but only one will appear in the final three
- A panel of judges and I will narrow the field down to three submissions
- I'll post those top three submissions as a poll, and everyone can vote on what they think is the best
- The submission with the most votes wins the prize!
To give people time to think about it a little bit, submissions will be due Saturday, October 19th. After that, voting will be open until October 31st, and the winner will be announced November 2nd.
For the prize, each of the top three people will get a cool Swiss Army Librarian sticker. And the winner will get a custom-imprinted six-pack of Jones Soda, with the Swiss Army Librarian logo on the label**.
I hope everyone has fun with this. Thank you so much for reading my website for Seven Years(!) - I truly appreciate your time, all the comments, and especially the sharing of ideas between colleagues. That's what I love most about librarianship. Thanks everyone!
*October 1st also happens to be my mom's birthday - Happy Birthday, Mom!
**I recognize that Jones Soda might not be everyone's idea of a grand prize, so it is negotiable depending on the winner.