or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Reference Question of the Week ¦ 2/23/14

   March 1st, 2014

coinbox0Have you noticed that Bitcoin has been in the news a lot lately? I think that's where this question came from.

A patron walked over to me at the Reference Desk, from the general direction of our print station, and asked,

Can I pay for my printouts with Bitcoin?

I think he was just being funny, but he did it completely deadpan so I wasn't sure. In any case, I told him we do not accept Bitcoin. He then responded with,

Okay, I'll pay with my credit card.

To which again I had to say no, the pay-for-print machine is cash-only. He may have been actually disappointed about the credit card, because he had to go across the street to the bank machine to get some cash. Luckily we have a bank machine so close by, but I still feel bad every time I make someone do this.

Incidentally, we don't accept Paypal either.

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