or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

World’s Most Visited Tourist Attractions

   March 20th, 2015

From the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners comes this infographic. I'm not sure that the number of people who use Massachusetts libraries are strictly tourists, but still it's a nice-looking way to illustrate that libraries have not been killed off by the internet.

Most Visited Tourist Attraction

Take that, Niagara Falls! Incidentally, here's Travel+Leisure's full list of visit statistics.

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2 Responses to “World’s Most Visited Tourist Attractions”

  1. Emma Says:

    How neat! I know it’s a *bit* misleading, but I still like the idea.

  2. New Great Library Marketing – Stephen's Lighthouse Says:

    […] World’s Most Visited Tourist Attractions […]