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History In Job Titles

   July 22nd, 2015

I was looking at some old Town of Chelmsford annual reports recently, to research the opening of one of the High School buildings in town. Just by chance, I came across a page that stood out to me (for obvious reasons):

1917 job titles

Chelmsford was a much more agricultural community in 1917, so it makes sense that moths could be a big deal, and that the town would have someone inspecting slaughterhouses. But they still made me laugh, and double-check if these positions are still on the Town payroll (they didn't seem to be). History is fun.

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2 Responses to “History In Job Titles”

  1. Cathy Bence Says:

    Dunstable still lists Field Drivers and Fence Viewers as departments on the town web site.

  2. Brian Herzog Says:

    @Cathy: ha, that is great. I wonder what they do. I’ll have to look more closely at Chelmsford’s job titles and see which are farming community holdovers.