or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Rethinking Reference, Non-Fiction, and Local History

The information below was originally compiled for the NHLA-READS 2011 conference in Concord, NH. The theme of the day was "Collections on the Edge: Rethinking Reference, Non-Fiction, and Local History."

My talk highlighted three projects my library has done to keep our collections (and access to them) in step with the needs of our patrons - the links below provide more details from when I recapped each project on my website:

  1. Revamp the Collection & Repurpose Use of Floor Space - converting Reference to a circulating collection and responding to the need for more study space
  2. Mobilize the Library Website - options for serving patrons via mobile devices
  3. Improve Remote Access to Traditional Tools - creating a searchable index to microfilm obituaries

Slides from the presentation:

If you have any questions, please contact me.