or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Caption This Photo

   November 22nd, 2011 Brian Herzog

My cousin Karin forwarded me an email of the photo below, with the subject, "Now out in Paperback!!!"

Now out in paperback image

I have no idea what it actually is, but I thought it was a funny picture - except, the message's subject didn't have quite the jokey punch it could have. So of course, I tried to think up funny captions for it. The only one I came up with that I liked was, "Wikipedia: now out in paperback."

Does anyone else have better captions for this photo? I'm going to be away for week for Thanksgiving, so in the meantime, if you have a caption idea, please leave it in the comments below. Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving (Americans; everyone else, Happy End of November).

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