Salem Press Great Reference Idea Contest
December 7th, 2010 Brian HerzogThe following came in email from Peter W. Tobey, Director of Sales & Marketing for Salem Press. I thought it was something worth publicizing and supporting - check it out:
The Great Reference Idea Contest
Salem is tinkering with a way to learn more about the changing landscape of reference. In this particular instance, we're wondering about what new content areas (or emphasis) might be on the minds of students, patrons and librarians. So, we're asking.
We'd like librarians to suggest titles and/or subject areas for new reference. Everything is on the table. Every idea is welcome, covering any subject. Our hope is that librarians will ask for the reference their patrons and students need but can't find.
The first three librarians whose suggestions on any specific subject become new Salem Press reference will receive that reference free. That's it, very simple: Be among the first three with an idea and we'll give you the reference when (and if) we publish it.SUBMISSIONS
Librarians should email [email protected] with their ideas. Librarians may submit as many ideas as they'd like. In fact, the more the merrier.For a press release on the program, click Press Release. Hope you enjoy this...
Peter W. Tobey
Director, Sales & Marketing
Salem Press
Voice: (201) 968-9599
Email: [email protected]
I appreciate publishers taking an interest in the development and future direction of the library world, and this cooperative approach to identify need, rather than just pushing whatever they have to sell.
I haven't come up with any earth-shattering ideas, but I'll definitely submit something.
(Image: energy-saving light bulb by AA, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from sloth_rider's photostream)