or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Interesting Database: Dabbledb

   May 21st, 2009 Brian Herzog

daddbledb.com logoA few weeks ago I was searching for a quick and easy online database, and stumbled across DabbleDB.

It looks like it's been around for awhile, and after watching their 8-minute demo video, I was really impressed. It seems incredibly easy to use, and excels at turning those flat spreadsheets into the databases we all want them to be. Plus, being online, it is amazingly easy to create simple and powerful web forms to work with the data.

I was looking for an online database to create a searchable catalog for our Town-Wide History Project. After looking around and talking with the other groups involved, iwe're going to use PastPerfect Online instead, but I'm kind of sad not to get to play with DabbleDB. For a little more tech info on it, check out this post on TechCrunch.

If you've got 8 minutes, watch the demo video - it's all good, but my favorite parts are towards the end: how easy it is to move data around (the email example) and their interface for building web forms. I can hardly wait to get some time to develop an online search tool using DabbleDB - hmm, maybe our Vertical File?

Update: found another video on YouTube:

And I also remembered that we're building a spreadsheet of obituaries that have appeared in the local newspaper - another perfect application for this database.

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