or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Now Hiring

   November 15th, 2007 Brian Herzog

MVLC logoMy consortium has a very important opening right now, and I'm hoping that by getting the word out as much as possible, a great candidate will be found.

The job title is "Assistant Director for User Services," and there is a full description at the MBLC's job bank.

I see this position as so important because this is the person that coordinates services and training between the 35 member libraries of the consortium, as well as the person who facilitates the flow of information between the have-libraries and the have-not-libraries.

With the right person in this position, all of the libraries can work together more closely to serve our collective patron base. A group this large and diverse has huge potential to work together and offer our patrons a tremendous amount of materials and services, as well as work together to help each other move forward and adapt as the tools of our profession and the needs of our patrons evolve.

Plus, you'd get to talk to me sometimes. Luckily, the pay is pretty good, and the benefits are almost embarrassingly good, so that more than makes up for all of the requests and work I'll be sending your way.

Please apply. Thanks.

job, job posting, job postings, jobs, libraries, library, mvlc, public libraries, public library, user services

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