October 1st, 2009 Brian Herzog
This announcement was making the rounds yesterday on Twitter, and it seems to qualify as the-sky-is-falling type news:
The Library of Congress is revising their "Cookery" subject heading [pdf], saying:
The use of the term “cookery” will be discontinued in these categories of headings. The term “cooking” will be used instead in most cases.
The "Cookery" example was always the go-to citation for demonstrating how traditional library institutions were out of date, and how Web 2.0 tagging filled a need by linking together books and information based on the way people actually think and speak.
LibraryThing.com has led the way in much of this innovation and development, showing the old timers better ways to serve library patrons. This Cookery change shows that the powers that be are paying attention. So does Ebsco's release of NoveList Select, which mimics LibraryThing for Libraries' functionality by putting NoveList data right into the library catalog (where our patrons already are), instead of making them go somewhere else for it.
People often refer to these traditional library vendors and institutions as dinosaurs, but they seem to be learning from and closing the gap with the inflatable rhino.
Tags: cookery, ebsco, lc, lcsh, libraries, Library, library of congress, librarything, librarything.com, ltfl, novelist, novelist select, public, subject headings, subjects, Technology
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July 10th, 2008 Brian Herzog
Because of two consecutive weekends hosting visitors, I've gotten way behind with emailing and reading blogs and computery things in general. Of the 174 feeds in my Bloglines account, the ones I've been most grateful for are those I can just click on to make not-new, without actually having to read.
But saying that, one blog post did stand out and demand attention. This was Tim at LibraryThing's proposal for a new open source cataloging classification system to replace Dewey.
I like the idea right off in principle, and I'm very happy that Tim has created a forum to get the ball rolling and get people talking about it.
In practicality, though, I don't know how well it'll work. It seems like the really great ideas are born of one person and their unwaivering drive and passion to accomplish it. I like the idea, but I am not sure if genesis-by-committee can be successful. Something like this (or Craig's List or Wikipedia or Linux) seems to need to be centralized and dictatorial in the beginning, and then opened to the public once it's proven and off and running.
But I hope it works. I'm going to be watching it, and I encourage everyone else to do the same - and contribute. I agree with Jessamyn in that, to get tools that are innately useful to libraries, they will have to come from librarians - everything else is just someone's product.
Tags: classification, ddc, dewey, lc, libraries, Library, librarything, Open Shelves Classification, open source, osc, public, system, Technology
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