or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Childrens Books with Phone Sex Numbers

   November 8th, 2007 Brian Herzog

Magic Attic Series book coverThis is kind of funny - one of those "it was bound to happen" situations that eventually happened.

There's a series of children's books called the Magic Attic series. In the back of each, there's a tear-out postcard for kids to join the Magic Attic Club. On the postcard there's also a toll-free number.

The company (based in Portland, ME - hooray) that ran the Magic Attic Club apparently went out of business, and their phone number was sold to someone else - someone who is now using it for a phone sex line.

Needless to say, my Children's Librarian went through our collection and tore out all of those postcards.

Feeling daring? "Join the club:" 800-221-6972

Read more of this story at Orlando's WKMG Local 6.

book, books, childrens books, libraries, library, magic attic, magic attic series, phone sex

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