or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Reference Question of the Week – 7/29/07

   August 4th, 2007 Brian Herzog

This week has been long and hot, and I think the unpleasant weather meant people were in the library for our air conditioning more than anything else.

So, this week's reference question is an article chronicling a not uncommon patron interaction. It takes place at a library in California, but I'm sure any librarian could relate a similar experience:

In the library, paranoia is rare
By Scott La Counte, OC Register

I not making light of the patron's condition, but there is humor in a situation where someone unprepared and unequipped must handle the bizarre in a professional and straight-faced way.

found via ME-LIBS

libraries, library, oc register, paranoia, public libraries, public library, reference, reference question

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