or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Virtual Library Tour using flickr

   March 21st, 2008 Brian Herzog

Chelmsford Public Library Front DoorI've been working on this for awhile, and finally got it all together - a set of photographs on flickr that serve as a virtual tour of my library.

It is a fairly simple approach to a virtual tour, in that I just took pictures of all the different areas of our library, wrote up little descriptions of each area, and then linked them together using flickr's notes feature (I also made a floor plan of both levels and linked all the areas that way, too). It makes for almost a self-guided tour of the library, and someone who saw it recently said it was like moving through a video game or a "choose your own adventure" story.

It's a little less fancy than other tours out there, but I liked it in that all it really required was time - no special software or skills necessary (other than flickr, obviously). Also, being flickr, patrons can leave comments, and the photographs can be easily repurposed for other uses.

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