June 6th, 2012 Brian Herzog
Aaron highlighted a great tool on Walking Paper - a single serving script that shows whether the library is open or not:
Great job Durham County Library for coming up with it, and thank you very much for making the code freely available.
This is definitely going on my library's website (when I get a chance) - but of course, with 24/7 Library Anytime, the answer is always YES!
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March 31st, 2009 Brian Herzog
The internet is endlessly innovative and entertaining. My current favorite phenomena is Single Serving Sites - websites that do only one thing.
In stark contrast to the "be everything to everyone" mentality, these one-off'ers are kind of refreshing. Most of them can't even be called "websites," because they consist of only one web page - but, for a fraction of a minute, they serve a purpose. Here's a list of my favorites:
Useful Sites
Weather Sites
Silly Sites
Once you start looking for these, it almost seems that they outnumber regular websites. Check out longer lists of single-serving sites here and here. Also, IsThisYourPaperOnSingleServingSites.com is worth reading - I hope he got an A.
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