Fun Tools for Books and Games
June 21st, 2007 Brian HerzogHere's two neat (and totally unrelated) tools I learned about this week:
Visual Programming with "Scratch"
First is something I read about in this month's Discover Magazine. Scratch, in development at MIT, is a visual programming language for kids to make fun web games. But instead coding by typing text (like function checkGoButton(){if (checked){return false;}}), you kind of arrange functional blocks, like those pictures to the right. I thought this was an easy way to introduce people to the theory of logical programming, without the hurdle of having to learn language-specific syntax.
Design Shelves to Fit Your Books
The second came from the Maine Libraries listserv. It is called iBookshelf, and is described as "an application for cataloging your book collection and designing bookshelves based for it..." Basically, you catalog your books in this software, including width and height dimensions (which should already be in MARC records), and then this software tells you how best to shelve your books in order to maximize space.
As usual, I haven't gotten a chance to play with either of these yet. I can think of uses for both, but the Scratch programming looks like it could be a lot of fun. Especially since I just finished reading PopCo, a book pretty much about toys, games, kids, programming and theory. Hurray for coincidence.