…and His Band of Merry Librarians
December 8th, 2006 Brian Herzog So, I was checking my visitor log on StatCounter [click image], and saw that someone from Nottingham, England, visited my blog. Of course, this had to be Robin Hood, checking out what's happening in the library world of Chelmsford, USA (maybe he thought I was in the other Chelmsford). Perhaps he was gathering ideas to try out in his local library.
But you know, the more I think about it, Robin Hood would have made an excellent librarian. Just like him, today's libraries take from the rich (and middle class, in the form of taxes) and give to the poor (and middle class, in the form of resources and services to which they might not otherwise have access), despite the best efforts of the oppressive and overreaching Sheriff and Prince (in the form of the USA PATRIOT Act).
The bow and arrow might come in handy at the reference desk, but I don't think I could pull off the tights.