or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

Tech Support Cheat Sheet

   August 27th, 2009

You may have already seen this, as it was published a few days ago (which on the interwebs is like being over 30), but it is so true that I had to share. And add XKCD to your feed reader.

tech support cheat sheet

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2 Responses to “Tech Support Cheat Sheet”

  1. Martin Rheaume Says:

    Brilliant, that is in fact, my life as a librarian

  2. Keri Says:

    As soon as I’m back from vacation, I’m printing that out and hanging it up at the reference desk.

    And if I come back and computer #2 is out of service, I’m going to blow it up poster size (how many notes can you leave saying that a computer has a loose ethernet cable (the one that looks like a phone cord) and that if they push it in and restart it will work?)