NHLA11 Talk on Building a Mobile Website
May 5th, 2011I'm doing a few talks this year about how to build a mobile website for libraries - based, mainly, on my posts about the one I made for my library. This Friday is the first of those talks, for the New Hampshire Library Association's Spring Conference.
For a sneak preview, I put my slides and a few more "going mobile" type resources up at SwissArmyLibrarian.net/mobile.
I also posted there my first attempt at a downloadable template version of the site I made, that other libraries can use to build a mobile site for themselves. It takes a lot of customization (obviously, it all has to be customized with your information), but I tried to provide instructions. If anyone tries it, please let me know how it can be improved.
I've never been to NHLA before, but I have heard nothing but good things, so I'm looking forward to it. Besides, any time spent in New Hampshire is time well spent.
May 18th, 2011 at 3:02 pm
HI Brian,
Sorry I missed you at NHLA. I was in Las Vegas. My husband and I decided to renew our vows with Elvis. 🙂 I’ll have to catch you at another conference. It looked like a great talk!
May 19th, 2011 at 7:05 am
@Erin: Thank you – and congratulations on renewing your vows. I’ll be at NELA-ITS and NELA this year too, giving a version of this talk, but ask me questions anytime.