End-Of-The-Year To-Blog-Folder Clean-Up
December 18th, 2013It's been a busy week so far, so just in the spirit of a year-end cleaning up of loose ends, here's a few random things I haven't gotten around to posting yet:
- From LifeHacker, an app called "The Walk" helps motivate people to exercise by telling them a story - the further you walk, the more the plot develops. Almost awesome enough for me to want a cell phone. And, it reminds me of the "choose your own adventure" sidewalk story
- Also from LifeHacker, some advice on whether or not it's important to log out of websites when you're finished using them. There's a difference between personal use and what the public does on library computers, but it's always good to remind patrons of when talking about privacy and security - even with Deep Freeze or Steady State
- And finally, the item I've sat on the longest is an infographic looking at the roles librarians have undertaken in the digital age. Everyone likes inforgraphics, so enjoy:
If you've made it this far, all I have left to say is happy holidays!