Did You Know There Are Audiobooks On YouTube?
January 9th, 2014I saw this tweet yesterday from @librarythingtim:
I had no idea there are audiobooks on YouTube (and according to Tim's subsequent tweets, I wasn't the only one). Yet sure enough, a simple search for "audiobook" on YouTube is very promising:
However, like many other nice internet resources, I suspect this might be less-than-legal - and disclaimers like this aren't kidding anyone:
Especially with the built-in spam link - that seems to indicate this may not be long for this world.
However, audiobooks on YouTube - who knew? Well, Tim did, and I bet a lot of other people too. And since it's likely these are very transient, I bet the people who know they are there benefit from websites to convert YouTube videos as mp3 files, and keep them forever.
The internet really is the wild west of intellectual property.