or, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Fear and Loathing at a Public Library Reference Desk

The World Still Is A Good Place

   February 1st, 2017

Last week, someone called the library asking if they could return a book by mail. Of course, we said, that's no problem.

This week, a package arrived with this inside:

How awesome is that? I have no idea if American Airlines, or airlines in general, make this a general practice, or if this Flight Attendant just did it because he felt it was the right thing to do. But it is great, and we appreciate it, and I'm sure the patron* does too.

In any case, I sincerely hope American Airlines reimburses their above-and-beyond Flight Attendant for postage. Thank you very much Tom!


*By the way, we looked up who had it checked out and called to let them know their (lost) book was returned, but the phone went right to voicemail. Probably that means they're still on vacation - but now without Rodney Dangerfield to keep them company.

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3 Responses to “The World Still Is A Good Place”

  1. Emma Says:

    This made my day! Thank you for taking the time to post it!

  2. Brian Herzog Says:

    @Emma: You’re welcome – I know exactly how you feel.

  3. The World Still Is A Good Place (From The Swiss Army Librarian) | Planes, Trains and Books Says:

    […] The World Still Is A Good Place […]