January 9th, 2013 Brian Herzog
This might not be new to anyone, but one of my Christmas gifts this year was a neat reproduction of a WPA poster:
I didn't know these posters were available, but apparently, since they are public domain, they are all over the place. The Library of Congress has the main archive (these are fun), and many people reuse the artwork to sell posters, bags, and just about anything else.
So, I get a fun poster out of the deal, but the real message is this: putting things into the public domain does not stifle commerce; absurdly-restrictive copyright does.
Oh yeah, I forgot to include this link: Vintage Ads for Libraries and Reading - more good stuff. Thanks again, Tommy.
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November 17th, 2009 Brian Herzog
A couple weeks ago I posted about new options for printing books, in which I mentioned Google's Expresso book-on-demand printer. I found out that the Harvard Book Store in Cambridge has one, so I went to check it out.
I still really like this as a source for out-of-print books to fill out a library's collection, so my "test book" was The History of Chelmsford, written by Wilson Waters in 1917. My library has lots of copies of this, but I chose it because:
- I knew it was in Google Books
- It is huge (almost 1000 pages) and I wanted to see how well the book-on-demand printer handled it
- It has text, maps, illustrations and photographs, and I was curious to see how they reproduced
The people at the Harvard Book Store were incredibly nice and informative. I told them who I was and what I was doing, and the owner Jeff and shop assistant Amanda explained each step of the process to me, as well as told me about their experience so far with the service.
Typically, the process (photos) is completely automated and books take less than ten minutes to print start to finish (including download time), and cost $8 (which is the price announced by Google in a press conference, so the store is honoring it). However, since the book I wanted was so long, everything was expanded: downloading alone took five minutes, and it had to be printed in two volumes, because the printer can only handle about 500 pages at a time. Since it had to be divided, Amanda had to find the best place to split the book, and then do some quick calculations to figure out how thick each textblock would be to make sure the covers fit properly. And due to the extra labor involved, my two books cost $10 each, with the whole process taking about 40 minutes.
A few other interesting points:
- There were no ghost hands, but some of the pages were not cropped correctly - this caused them to be shrunk when printed, and in some cases the page numbers got trimmed off
- It seems like the quality of the printing was excellent - the only real variable is the quality of the scan
- The paper they use is acid-free and feels slightly glossy. I asked how long they expect the paperback covers and binding to last, but it's so new they're not sure
- Color is only available for the covers - book pages are b&w only
- I asked if they consider themselves "the publisher" for these books, and the answer was no - they are "the printer" because being a publisher involves more legal responsibility for the content of the books
- Jeff said they've had the printer for about a month and a half, and it is used
three or four 15-40 times a day (which was more often than I expected, but then again, the store is right across the street from Harvard. Nerds.)
- Their catalog interface doesn't just search Google Books, but allows the printing of any book in the public domain, as well as self-published books
- I don't want this to sound like a commercial for the store, but Jeff said he'd be interested in working with libraries - contact him for details
I tried to photograph the interesting parts, so check out my Books-on-Demand Printer flickr set or watch the slideshow below:
Tags: bod, Books, books on demand, expresso, google books, harvard book store, libraries, Library, machine, out of print, pod, print, print on demand, printer, printing, public, public domain, Technology
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